Jyoti’s ‘BHANDO’ and it’s increasing viewers Before few years, Actress Jyoti Magar was known by very limited audience. But her music video named ‘Jimmal Bauki chhori’ took her to the limelight. And these days there are no people who don’t recognize Jyoti Magar. People might wonder HOW? May be she herself had not though she would be famous all around Nepal but the way she showed her body took her to the limelight and these days she is more busy than any other singers. She also got more limelight from her music video named ‘Dhade Biralo’. In that video she was seen in a short dress, she even got lots of negative comments and feedbacks as well. Jyoti Magar who has extra talent to attrack the large mass of audience did one short movie named’ “BHANDO’ which was successful indeed. Numbers of viewers are rapidly increasing. Till the making of this news there are already 4633697 viewers of this short movie and viewers are still increasing. Actually even the director of the movie had never expected this amount of viewers. Jyoti magar has a huge role in the success of this movie. There is no vulgar scene in the movie except one of the ‘Bathing scene’ where Jyoti Magar is seen bathing in the public tap. This movie is based on the story ‘BHANDO’ written by well known writer Govinda Malla Gothale which also gives sorts of awareness message regarding Psychosexual behavior. This movie was directed by Deepa Basnet before 7 years. Along with Jyoti Magar, Nabaraj Khadka, Santi Giri, Laxman Neupane, Yugjyoti Kriyasil, Susila Joshi are also seen in the lead role


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