A few years ago, two young girls were on a bus to Kathmandu, having heard about a job there. They heard a story on the radio about a young girl named Lakshmi who’d been lured from Nepal to India thinking she’d get a job, only to be trafficked into a brothel called the Happiness House.“Because they heard the story on the radio, they realized they were being trafficked.”Lakshmi was not a real girl, but a character from a novel called Sold, which was being read on the radio as part of a trafficking prevention program by the Didi project, a nonprofit dedicated to providing educational opportunities for women and children in Nepal.Lakshmi’s story had an impact: The girls on the bus recognized they were in the same situation.“Because they heard the story on the radio, they realized they were being trafficked,” said Jane Charles, co-founder of the nonprofit Stolen Youth, which raises funds to support the rescue and recovery of sexually exploited youth. “They had the bus driver stop and got off and went home.”

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